Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Barrier of the Mind

Holy s***! It's been a while since we've had to blog. These things went to complete waste. Oct 23rd was my last. Mj brought up something which intrigued me more than anything we've 'learned' so far about modernity and modernism.

He said some psychologist believed that there is a relation between trying to get a kid to believe in Santa Claus and getting them to stay in their lane when they are driving. Somehow, if they can believe in Santa Claus, they can believe they need to stay in their lane. He said that on the highway, you could essentially drive wherever you wanted. But yet you can't.

All too often I have absolutely nothing to say about an issue. Once again, I really have no opinion. This idea just simply intrigued me. I feel this barrier in my mind. And while being a great name for a potential song, it troubles me. I'll continue to use the driving example. I have tried on many occasion to simply let go of the wheel, much like that great scene from Fight Club where Tyler tells Edward Norton to "stop trying to control things and just let go!" I can't do it. The momment my car begins to veer out of lane, off the road or anywhere that it's not suppose to be I have to grab the wheel. I feel like I have no control. True control that is. Maybe it's just self preservation, but I can't help feel like this is a momment where my lack of will shines through and I can actually see that there are days that I am suppose to make back to my driveway.

Maybe one day I'll let go and actually swerve. Maybe one day I hit a man dressed like Santa Claus because I drifted out of my lane.

I don't think it's because I believed in Santa Claus, cause I never did. My parents thought it was kinda cruel or something to make me believe something not true. Yet I can stay in my lane.

On another issue, why can I seemingly trust every driver on the road not to hit me as they pass. I could kill anyone by just flipping the wheel left at the last second, slamming my car head on into someone else who would have no time to react. But I would never be able to do that. My brain wouldn't let me. So can anyone else do that? Do we trust each other, or just our own subconscious? I trust you not to hit me and you trust me not to hit you. Or do we simply have no choice in what we do?

Those white painted lines are walls. The double yellow ones too. They are barriers. But are they in my mind or yours?