Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Neo versus Dorthy

Let's compare and contrast how reality is treated in The Matrix and The Wizard of Oz, shall we? To begin we will have to step back from specific moments in each film and look at the big picture of each story.
In The Matrix, reality is defined as two specific "planes", the real world and the matrix itself. In the Wizard of Oz, there is distinction (although much less) between two different worlds, the actual world and the dream world Dorthy creates. A difference lies in the portrayal of that reality though. For instance, the matrix is designed to mimick the real world exactly even though it is not the 'true' reality. It does this so much so that those who are part of the matrix do not even know that they are living in a 'false' world. In the world of Oz, everything is unrealistic in its portrayal. There are mythical beings like witches, flying monkeys, emerald cities, talking animals and munchkins (yes, I know midgets do exist but they don't all have high pitched voices and dance with lollipops. Oh and side note: Julia Morse, it's Lollipop GUILD, not Lollipop KIDS. That's just ridiculous).
Moving on, a similarity exists there also. As mentioned before, those in the matrix think they are living real life. In Oz, Dorthy does not think she is dreaming; she really does believe she is in this magical land and needs to get home. This brings up the definition of reality according to each piece. Both pieces in a way have the idea that whatever looks to your eyes, sounds to your ears, feels to your skin, tastes to your tongue and so on, is in fact what reality is. In the context of each story, the matrix is Neo's reality and Oz is Dorthy's reality until they figure out how to escape. Therefore, each piece has the idea of control over your own reality. As soon as Neo understands who he is, he can manipulate the matrix (which we have now defined as his reality). Dorthy figures out that she always had the power to go home. The answer lay within her.
A main difference however, is who created the reality. In The Matrix, a computer system created the matrix to enslave humans and thrive off their energy. This could almost be looked on as a deist god. The computer created the reality and then stepped away, only intervening through the agents occasionally. However, in The Wizard of Oz, Dorthy creates the reality for herself, (because in fact it is a dream sequence). This is more cosmic humanist, because then we are all god.
In closing, The Matrix is a friggin' awesome film and it makes me think. Top marks for the Wachowski brothers!